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Couverture par
Adam Hughes
Inner Demons
Sortie US : Octobre 2004
Dessins : Michael Choi
Scénario : James Bonny
Couleurs : Tyson Wengler

Lors d'une mission en Malaysie, Lara apprend la mort de Wally, son ami australien. Il semble que J. Bradley Aulgood ait décidé de prendre sa revanche, aussi Lara se prépare au combat. Sous la direction de Zinn, le "Maître Sombre", elle va devoir affronter ses peurs les plus anciennes et, croisant les fantômes de Von Croy, de Compton et de Chase Carver, apprendra à les maîtriser.

Lara : I came halfway around the world for this moment. Perhaps another day...
Zinn : Not even the Khmer Rouge would dare come here. Yet you come alone. That is impressive.
Zinn : You could have had a life of comfort and privilege, shielded from the dangers of the world. Yet you chose to face danger on a daily basis. This became an obsession for you. Chasing fear while never tasting it.
Lara : And what exactly will we be aiming at, mister Zinn ?
Zinn : I think you already know the answer to that question, miss Croft.
Zinn : How many have you killed ?
Lara : Only those who were trying to kill me.
