Comics : Lara Croft & the Frozen Omen 3
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Couverture par
Jean-Sebastien Rossbach
Lara Croft & the Frozen Omen - 3
Parution US : 02 décembre 2015
Scénario : Corinna Bechko
Dessins : Randy Green
Encrage : Andy Owens
Couleurs : Michael Atiyeh

Tandis qu'au cur de la Croatie, l'entité démoniaque semble sur le point de prendre vie, Lara et Carter
arrivent en Arizona et visitent la magnifique collection privée de Stan Grus, milliardaire féru d'artefacts

Grus : Conditions on this planet are changing. We are creating a more primitive world. I know, I've made my money by gambling
that we will continue on the same course but now we've awoken something that it took an ice age to defeat last time.
Carter : There were two border patrol officiers! They must have each had a shadow inside them. So where's the other one?
*La fenêtre explose*
Carter : Oh.
