Comics Tomb Raider : TR US 40
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Couverture par
Greg Land
Sortie US : Mai 2004
Dessins : Edwin David
Scénario : James Bonny
Couleurs : Tyson Wengler

En partant à la recherche d'un temple perdu au fin fond de la Nouvelle Guinée, Lara Croft est loin de savoir ce qui l'attend. Au cours de cet épisode riche en émotions, elle sera victime d'un crash aérien, perdra un ami très cher, échappera de peu à la mort, et reverra un personnage tout droit venu de son passé.

Lara : In my life, I've seen many strange things. Things most people wouldn't believe, not unless they saw them with their own eyes. And even then, they still might have their doubts. Or even doubt their own sanity. Which is something I can relate to, at the moment.
Lara : Perhaps we should have believed the legends.
Chase : Hey darlin' ! Di'ja miss me ?
Chase : I saved your life. You might wanna say "thank... keww...!" Or not.
Chase : I'm here to help you.
Lara : Well that proves you're not Chase Carver. Because he never helped anybody but himself.
