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Couverture par
Andy Park
Lost and Found
Parution US : 22 octobre 2014
Scénario : Gail Simone et Rhianna Pratchett
Dessins : Derlis Santacruz
Encrage : Andy Owens
Couleurs : Michael Atiyeh

Usant de leur intelligence, Kaz et Lara parviennent à contrer la première attaque de Trinity. Mais Cruz parvient à s'échapper et
Lara se lance à sa poursuite, au milieu de l'une des zones de radiations les plus élevées du site.

Lara : You do know I'm holding a much bigger gun, yes?
Cruz : Two of you would be dead before you could raise it, Miss Croft. Perhaps three.
Lara : I'm a Croft. Dying of blood loss simply isn't done.
Lara : Family. I've never had much of a family before. Mainly I was raised by books. Piles and piles of them. Anything I could get my
hands on. I loved adventure stories the best. Exciting tales from exotic lands. And the staff of Croft Manor. They were good to me.
Indulging the whims of the "Little Lady Lara." As for Dad, he was away a lot. Just like in my books. He was always off somewhere new.
Examining this. Excavating that. he always came back though. With presents. Bribes. To show what a good father he was. And they
pretty much worked. For a smart kid, I could be easily bought sometimes.
Varvara : Now we mend you. Ahh, Pripyat tries to break us all.
Lara : You should have seen the other guy.
