Comics : Cold Light of Day
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Couverture par
Brian Horton
Cold Light of Day
Parution US : 29 juillet 2015
Scénario : Rhianna Pratchett
Dessins : Derlis Santacruz
Encrage : Andy Owens
Couleurs : Michael Atiyeh

Laissant leurs aventures mexicaines derrière eux, Lara, Jonah, Sam et Kaz rentrent chez eux. Mais le comportement
étrange de Sam empire. Accès de rage, mutisme total, disparition inexpliquée... il semble que Sam Nishimura soit
au bord du gouffre.

Lara : I do need something, Jonah. I've got no job, Sam would rather I wasn't here. So I might as well not be.
Jonah : Where on Earth would you go?
Lara : I don't know. Back to Yamatai maybe?
Kaz : Honestly, Lara, for someone who is so smart, you can be a real idiot sometimes. I've never been to that place and
I hate it! Let it go!
Lara : Sam, it's Lara. Come back to me. Please come back to me. It's going to be okay. I'm going to find a way to raise your bail.
Get you out of here. Get you hel. Proper help. You know I will, right?
Sam : I know.
