Les tests sont classés par la note attribuée, de la meilleure à la moins bonne. Avec une moyenne de 17/20, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light semble faire l'unanimité !
sur 20
Electric Pig
Game Informer
Computer & Videogames
Games Master
The Guardian
Digital Spy

Le test de Gamekult - Note : 8/10 - 16 août 2010
Dans une 3D isométrique vraiment convaincante, ce spin-off de Tomb Raider nous présente un gameplay plus arcade, vif et décomplexé, qui laisse tout autant de place à des combats nerveux qu'à l'exploration de niveaux bourrés de pièges et d'énigmes bien pensées. Tout aussi passionnant seul qu'à deux en coop, Guardian of Light gonfle sa durée de vie et son intérêt grâce à de nombreux défis et secrets cachés aux quatre coins de chaque niveau.

Le test de Joystiq - Note : 4.5/5 - 16 août 2010
Crystal Dynamics hasn't just made an exceptional puzzle game, but an excellent platformer.

Le test d'IGN - Note : 8.5/10 - 16 août 2010
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is a great adventure, especially if you're playing co-op. Despite the silly story and dialogue, I had more fun with it than any Tomb Raider in recent memory. With a great new look, clever puzzles, and loads of fun stuff to collect, this is an extreme makeover for Lara of which you will surely approve.

Le test de 1UP - Note : A- - 16 août 2010
Lara Croft's single-player is competent but incomparable to the sheer joy of raiding tombs with a couch-side friend.

Le test de Computer & Videogames - Note : 8.8/10 - 16 août 2010
A shining example of download excellence...

Le test d'Eurogamer - Note : 9/10 - 16 août 2010
There are few download games that offer this kind of value for money, and few that are as clever or effortlessly exciting. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light might be a move away from the Tomb Raider name, but it's a tremendous homage to its spirit.

Le test de JVC - Note : 17/20 - 16 août 2010
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light est une excellente surprise qui devrait ravir les fans tout en faisant du gringue à un public plus large. Si la vue en 3D isométrique était un pari loin d'être gagné, surtout pour un jeu avec des phases de plates-formes, Crystal Dynamics s'est une fois de plus montré à la hauteur.

Le test de Electric Pig - Note : 5/5 - 16 août 2010
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is an exciting package combining action and puzzle solving antics aplenty in a highly playable Tomb Raider inspired isometric reiteration that is both fun and clever in equal measure. Add co-op multiplayer and it's even better, delivering the kind of instant pick up and play experiences we used to get on consoles of yesteryear.

Le test de Digital Spy - Note : 4/5 - 16 août 2010
Considering that the game is priced at 1200 Microsoft Points (£10.20) that's pretty good value when you add everything up. Crystal Dynamics is also working on a new boxed game featuring Lara Croft, currently under the working title Tomb Raider 9. Whether Guardian of Light's bold new approach gives an indication of what to expect from that game remains to be seen, but it's certainly a pretty good distraction while waiting for Ms Croft's next big adventure.

Le test de Bit-Tech - Note : 8/10 - 16 août 2010
Whether Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light represents a new direction for the franchise or not, there's little doubt that this is a fun game that will provide much enjoyment to both newcomers and series stalwarts. It doesn't bring much innovation or brilliance to the top-down shooter genre, but it's remarkably polished and we can easily recommend spending a few nights with Lara.

Le test de The Guardian - Note : 4/5 - 13 août 2010
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light isn't Tomb Raider as we know it, but in many ways is superior to its pricier, boxed sibling. As it's a download, you approach it with lesser expectations, and because it provides an experience which stays true to the core attractions of the franchise, while eliminating some of its persistent flaws, it proves more satisfying than you initially imagine it would. A handily bite-sized piece of summer entertainment.

Le test de Games Master - Note : 88% - 12 août 2010
A superb co-op game that hits all the right notes. The puzzles are brilliantly tricky, the shooting violently satisfying and I got to dump [my partner] down a pit full of spikes. Hurrah !

Le test de Game Informer - Note : 9/10 - 11 août 2010
In taking a chance with Guardian of Light, Crystal Dynamics rediscovered Lara's latent potential. For those of you concerned with the direction this ancillary title has taken, rest easy. We know Lara is as versatile as she is flexible.